What is the city & state of your place of residence?
1532 boxthorne lane
Are you on a U.B.A. team, looking to join a team, or are you just visiting our website?
visiting and waiting to join the league.
Are you over the age of 18?
What is your current bowling average?
What is your highest game score?
What is your highest series?
Which Bowling Center do you consider to be your house?
Northside Lanes
What kind of bowling balls do you prefer?
Storm, Motiv
What attracted you to the U.B.A.?
Men traveler league.
Please tell us more about yourself.
I am in about Winston Sale.. I consider myself a skill bowler that loves the game. I used to bowled in Junior Traveler League when I was living in NY State as young boy. I am currently bowling in couple league: one call High Rollers and the other one at Northside where they use Sport pattern.