What is the city & state of your place of residence?
Stamford, CT
Are you on a U.B.A. team, looking to join a team, or are you just visiting our website?
Looking to join a team
Are you over the age of 18?
What is your current bowling average?
What is your highest game score?
What is your highest series?
What is your USBC #?
Which Bowling Center do you consider to be your house?
Nutmeg Bowl
What kind of bowling balls do you prefer?
Storm, RotoGrip, 900 Global
What attracted you to the U.B.A.?
Looking to bowl more and step up in competition
Please tell us more about yourself.
Originally from Queens, my family moved to Long Island when I was 5. I joined my first league when I was 8 years old and kept it going. While in college, my bowling was mostly limited to summer leagues and breaks. After college, I would bowl in 2 to 3 leagues during the fall season and a couple of leagues during the summer until the pandemic. After a breif start and stop in a bowling league and a move to Connecticut. I joined a league and getting back into the full swing of bowling and looking to keep it up.