What is the city & state of your place of residence?
Webster, New York
Are you on a U.B.A. team, looking to join a team, or are you just visiting our website?
Looking to bowl individually
Are you over the age of 18?
What is your current bowling average?
Dont have one
What is your highest game score?
What is your highest series?
What is your USBC #?
Which Bowling Center do you consider to be your house?
AMF Empire Lanes
What kind of bowling balls do you prefer?
Hammer, Storm, RotoGrip
What attracted you to the U.B.A.?
I made a friend who told me about the opportunities available, and he had told me to give it a shot
Please tell us more about yourself.
I was a youth bowler, and after I graduated Highschool, I had a few years where I really struggled in my life with homelessness, constantly moving around, and not being around friends and family and the people I love. Bowling has been a passion of mine ever since my 6th grade bowling field trip. Recently I have gotten back on my feet, and I never stopped my practice in my craft. So from after I graduated I had joined a league until covid shut it down. But i have been practicing and perfecting my craft off the books ever since. I met a guy at an alley who was watching me and had told me about the UBA and recomended that I better get involved