TOP 3 TEAMS CASH ($12690 as of 1/25/25)

1ST PLACE - 60% ($7614)

2ND PLACE - 30% ($3807)

3RD PLACE - 10% ($1269)


Updated 1/25/25 

1DILLIGAFin a match vs #2 The Outsiders… match expires 2/9
2The Outsidersin a match vs #1 DILLIGAF… match expires 2/9
3G-Town Heavy Hittersin a match vs #6 Critical Roll… match expires on 2/9
4High CaliberDefended vs #4 The MOB… challenge in on #2
5Spartanburg Savagesdefeated previous #5 Complete Anarchy…challenge in on #3
6Critical Rollin a match #3 G-Town Heavy Hitters… match expires on 2/9
7Full Throttledefeated previouis #7 The MOB… challenge in on #4
8Complete Anarchyin a match vs #10 The MOB… match expires 2/9
9Paradise Cartelin a match vs #12 Bad Intentions… match scheduled for 2/1
10The MOBin a match vs #8 Complete Anarchy… match expires on 2/9
11Triple XDefended vs #14 Natural Disaster
12Bad Intentionsin a match vs #9 Paradise Cartel… match scheduled for 2/1
13Natural Disasterlost vs #11 Triple X…
15Southern Asylumin a match vs #16 Top Shelf Stunners… match expires on 2/9
16Top Shelf Stunnersin a match vs #15 Southern Asylum… match expires on 2/9



 *** Rankings will end on the last Sunday in June. Matches that become effective between the first and
second Thursday in June will be the last matches for the season. Expiration dates for those matches will
follow the same two week set up rule in place. There will be a top three stepladder finals which will take
place at the #1 seed’s listed home center on the last Sunday in June at 10am (subject to change).



Check out the FB page "UBA SE Team Rankings (South Division)" for updates 


 Check out the FB page "UBA SE Team Rankings (South Division)" for updates




PREPAY TAB - matches must be prepaid before matches begin




Teams who stay idle on the ranking list for 2 weeks straight, will drop 5 spots on the list. Idling is defined by not making any challenges. Teams cannot stay idle on the ranking list. If there is no available rank to bowl right away, you still must make a challenge and wait for that rank to be available. This does not apply to the team with the #1 rank or teams who have successfully defended their rank, challenged up, and are waiting.

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