This is my first ever blog so let me start by saying hello to all the members of the U.B.A. I am really enjoying my experiences since joining the U.B.A. and no matter where I bowl I try to represent the U.B.A. and my team Black Reign. That being said I've been bowling pretty good as of late and putting up some decent numbers. On Sunday I shot 264 and 221 in a two man doubles tourney. My hot hand carried over into my Monday night league where i shot a 650 series which should have been higher but I tanked the last game...254,252,144. First game went strike, spare, open and then out the door for a 254. Then I started the 2nd game with the first 6 before I opened(15 strikes in a row) also hitting the strike jackpot in the process for a cool $561. I then realized I had just bowled my first 300 without actually getting it. Lmao. If i keep shooting like this I will have it soon. Peace to all. Be breezy.