Bowling is back!!
Well, where did it go? It would seem to be that Americas favorite pastime has been upended by economics. Plus, millennial’ participation with video games have made it more convenient to just stay on the couch. Not just for bowling, but for social interactions as well. The phenomenon of compartmentalization is just easier to define. You can pick any number of reasons for the decline of bowling if it fits your story, but we’re not here for that. No because bowling is back and it’s being ushered in by the upstart Underground Bowling Association or U.B.A. for short.
Bowling needed a severe shot in the arm and the UBA saw a way to make it fun and exciting. Why the UBA? The reasons are entertainment, action, unbridled enthusiasm. The UBA growth is riding an unprecedented wave of 4450%. A number is a number, but the UBA had been averaging 2700% growth. The explosion is upon us.
UBA bowlers have created their own community within their franchises with the members and, social media. They just want to bowl any and everything. So how do you explain the growth? As franchises form, sometimes bowlers want to run their own franchises and bring in their friends and other bowlers not in the UBA at that time. It’s all about having fun on any level.
Let’s hear from some of the designated UBA establishments
In our house we have the Trash Talkers. We’re very happy with our guys. They’re respectful, fun and, we feel like they’re a part of our Herrill family. As far as the UBA matches, they fill the house. It’s loud, but a lot of fun. The bottom line makes the owners happy as well.
Cynthia Guarino Mgr.
Herrill Lanes
New Hyde Park, NY
I have to tell you, when the UBA came to us asking to have the entire 82 lanes all day for 3 days, I thought they were nuts. I was so wrong. I’ve never seen anything like it. We had several logistics meetings 6 months prior to our 1st Battle Bowl. Almost 2000 bowlers came in and everything was extremely organized. I got to tell you, they were so accurate; we got down to suds leftover in one of our sixtels. We had to beg them to let our staff go home and sleep, or they would bowl around the clock. We hosted 3 battle Bowls and set income records all 3 years. I miss them, only as in having Battle Bowl and the energy. I’ve since joined a team and so did a lot of my former staff. Don’t kid yourself. This is how bowling should be!
Kathy Kubinak (fmr) GM
Brunswick Zone Carolier Lanes
North Brunswick, NJ
We have Battle Bowl 7 coming to our house this year. From our research, we’re extremely excited to have this event in our establishment. We just love the UBA.
Barbara Cochran Proprietor
Bowlerama Lanes
New Castle, DE
So we have to ask, has your league gone “Underground” yet?