2 Lineal Championship Application Posted by Philip Chance on June 5, 2013 at 10:23am E-mail Address: * What is Your Name? * What is your UBA Nick Name? * What Team/Franchise are you currently with? * What is your current USBC Average? How many 300/800's do you have? * What is your e-mail address? * What is the best number to contact you? * Are you willing to travel as you compete for this title? * What is your home Bowling Center? * Please tell us why you feel you should have the opportunity to compete for the UBA Lineal Championship? * When are you available to bowl? * You do understand that this is a form of Bowling Entertainment and that The UBA may be looking for more than a person that is just looking to Bowl? * In the event that a match is agreed upon, there may be financial considerations between yourself, and your opponent. Although this is outside of the scope of the U.B.A. such considerations must be delivered to and, will be held in escrow by the U.B.A. for a period of no less than 14 calendar days prior to the event. * In the case of your non-participation, you agree to forfeit said considerations at a rate of 50% to your opponent, 25% to the U.B.A. for marketing expenses and, 25% will be returned to you. Relief from said forfeiture must be accompanied by a valid explanation and presented to the U.B.A. Board for a final determination within 30 days post event date. * * Required E-mail me when people leave their comments – Follow