The UBA Presents...



BY Little Man (Classic Walkdown) 


Name Former Team New Team
Brian Beale Aftermath Independent Bowler
Elisa Smith All American Legends The Last Dragons
Julius Rodriguez All American Legends G.O.A.T
Kelly Borysiewicz BC Crew Black Reign
Michael Centrone BC Crew Apocalypse
Sean White BC Crew Project Mayhem
Will Saugar BC Crew Men In Black
Brian Glass Black Reign Anarchy
Lamar Palmer Black Reign Trash Talkers
Tarrick Moore Black Reign Revolution
Dara Rimes Charm City Chaos Apex Predators
Darren Finley Charm City Chaos Voodoo
Hazel Neal Charm City Chaos Apex Predators
Jason Howard Charm City Chaos Apex Predators
Jessica Digennaro Charm City Chaos Apex Predators
Leonard Fields Charm City Chaos Apex Predators
Pat Mcgainey jr Charm City Chaos Apex Predators
Richard Jerome Jr. Charm City Chaos Apex Predators
Ryan Appel Charm City Chaos New Jersey Drillers
John Dudley Charm City Chaos Apex Predators
Adam Concepcion Da Takeover Strike City
Amanda Mastropolo Da Takeover Strike City
Rashid Muhammad Da Takeover Total Mayhem
Titus Johnson Da Takeover Jersey Devils
Vicki Spratford Dead Flush Strike City
Dave Adams Duck It New Jersey Drillers
Chris Britt G.O.A.T. Synergy
Richie Chmura G.O.A.T. Synergy
Alex Prell Good Brothers The Legacy
Alexander Protin Good Brothers Total Mayhem
Jeremy Rybak Good Brothers Da Takeover
Jose Camacho Good Brothers Total Mayhem
Joseph Rizzolo Good Brothers Da Takeover
Clifton Gravely Headhunters Independent Bowler
Jill Sanfilippo Headhunters Aftermath
Gary Hunt High Point Hot Shots Tragedy N Triumph
Arley Rojas Jr. International Flavors Just Us League
Carlos Nieves Jr. International Flavors Just Us League
Christopher Williams International Flavors Apocalypse
David Ruiz International Flavors Lane Chasers
Fletcher Bacote International Flavors Just Us League
Kevin Herrera International Flavors Lane Chasers
Luis Colon International Flavors Independent Bowler
Philip Simmons International Flavors Silent Killerz
Wayne Daly International Flavors B.O.A.
Vicente Pagan jr International Flavors Lane Chasers
Jason Paro Jersey Devils The Legacy
Michael Brenner Jr. Jersey Devils Good Brothers
Chris Buzzonetti Killerz Grip Aftermath
Sean Mott Killerz Grip Aftermath
Alton Lanier Jr. King Pinz The Untouchables
Antonio Horne King Pinz The Disciples
Brandon Carter King Pinz Motion To Strike
Daniel Shipp King Pinz G.O.A.T
Debbie Van Cleave King Pinz Team Malice
Donald Marshall King Pinz Independent Bowler
James Van Cleave King Pinz Team Malice
James Walters King Pinz The Disciples
John Miller King Pinz Independent Bowler
Monarco Pone King Pinz G.O.A.T
Nathan Smithman King Pinz The Disciples
Rebecca Chapman  King Pinz The Disciples
Shanika Horne King Pinz The Disciples
Scott Farmer King Pinz The Untouchables
Doris Dearce Legacy Total Mayhem
Atiba McLean Lightz Out Anarchy
Brian Glass Lightz Out Black Reign
Bryan Hock Lightz Out Anarchy
Christopher Hayes Lightz Out Black Reign
Eric Mueller Lightz Out Anarchy
Jay McCray Lightz Out Silent Killerz
Jemal James Lightz Out Black Reign
Jillian Totillo Lightz Out Anarchy
Joseph Capo Lightz Out Anarchy
Kenneth Orr Lightz Out Black Reign
Kristina Terpo Lightz Out SWAT
Mercedes Scipio Lightz Out Independent Bowler
Quanasah Nimely Lightz Out Young Gunz
Richard King Lightz Out SWAT
Taisha Jolliffe Lightz Out Independent Bowler
Thomas Hock Lightz Out Anarchy
Paul Droluk Men In Black Aftermath
Chris Blaison New York Bombers SWAT
Donna Harris New York Legendz Black Reign
Andrew Stewart No Mercy Seek N Destroy
Greg Ostrander No Mercy New Jersey Drillers
Steve Chiarella No Mercy Independent Bowler
Anthony Allen Rage Rollin Rebels
James Church Rage Independent Bowler
Keith Jones Rage Hurricanes
Lenwood Elliott Rage Independent Bowler
Petrina McLean Rage Independent Bowler
Tawnya Dame Rage Tragedy N Triumph
Wendy Church Rage Independent Bowler
Alex Coxum Renegades Rollin Rebels
James Bullard Jr. Rollin Rebels The Untouchables
Jason Bullard Rollin Rebels The Untouchables
Nancy Bullard Rollin Rebels The Untouchables
Ryan Ward Rollin Rebels Synergy
Tommy Lawrence Rollin Rebels All American Legends
Donald Webster Showtime Mass Destruction
Jeffrey Scott Showtime South Jersey Storm
Nick Leeper Showtime Mass Destruction
Anjanette Fenner Silent Killerz X-Men
Charles Currier Silent Killerz SWAT
Ed Cotter Silent Killerz Secret Society
Edward Walsh Silent Killerz Anarchy
Joseph Conigliaro Silent Killerz Aftermath
Melvin Pruitt Silent Killerz Mass Destruction
Roderick Mahon Silent Killerz Young Gunz
Kevin Decker Slayers G.O.A.T
Michael Harris Slayers The Riot Squad
Ravonda James Slayers The Riot Squad
Brenda Richardson Storming The Lanes The Riot Squad
Gerald Richardson Jr. Storming The Lanes The Riot Squad
Donna Harris Strictly Bizness New York Legendz
Jay Lipson Strictly Bizness Anarchy
John Harris Strictly Bizness New York Legendz
Paul Richter Strictly Bizness Black Reign
Phil Case Strictly Bizness Lightz Out
Seth Marcus Strictly Bizness Black Reign
Brittany Edelman Strike City Alter Ego
Jason Bechter Strike City Alter Ego
Margaret Taylor Strike City Alter Ego
Stacey Brzozowski Strike City No Mercy
Melissa Banks Strong Island Senate Killerz Grip
Patricia Cacioppo Strong Island Senate Long Island Rounders
Theo Johnson SWAT Team Asylum
William Crosby SWAT Team Asylum
Chris Mitchell Synergy Independent Bowler
Lawrence Jones Team Asylum B.O.A.
Donald Garron Team Malice Renegades
Meagan Alford Team Malice Independent Bowler
Joey Innone The Franchise Just Us League
Julio Arnold The Franchise Just Us League
Steven Miglino The Franchise Game Over
Douglas Boyce The Legacy Total Mayhem
Ivette Sanchez The Legacy Total Mayhem
Manny Gonazalez The Legacy Total Mayhem
Terry Taylor The Shooters X-IT Woundz
Christine Drakeford The Syndicate Alter Ego
Darrin Brown The Syndicate Voodoo
Deborah Calderon The Syndicate Voodoo
Glenn Patterson The Syndicate Voodoo
Ken White The Syndicate Voodoo
Russell Wiltsey The Syndicate Voodoo
Gabriel Tineo Total Mayhem Team Asylum
Steven Smith Total Mayhem Independent Bowler
George Lyon Jr. Tragedy N Triumph G.O.A.T
Billy Punch Trash Talkers Game Over
James Cherin Trash Talkers Team Matrix
Arthur O'Connor Wrecking Crew Team Turn It Up
Denise Fox Wrecking Crew Black Reign
Jose Zambrano Wrecking Crew The Franchise
Joseph DeJesus Wrecking Crew Black Reign
Terrence White Wrecking Crew Black Reign
Pamela Sawicki X-IT Woundz Team Asylum
Anthony Detry X-Men Game Over
Anthony Guido X-Men Game Over
Dawne Heavlin X-Men Game Over
Dolores Nigro X-Men Game Over
Jetta Bonds X-Men Just Us League
Lawrence Campbell X-Men Just Us League
Michael D'Amore X-Men Game Over
Thomas Agostino X-Men Game Over
Kyle Griffith Young Gunz Independent Bowler
Louis DeMartino Young Gunz Wrecking Crew
Michelle Montgoris Young Gunz Lane Chasers
Thomas DeVito Young Gunz SWAT
Eric Smyth Young Gunz Lane Chasers
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