



April 28

What is your current bowling average?


What is your highest game score?


Which Bowling Center do you consider to be your house?

any house

What kind of bowling balls do you prefer?


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  • Yeah I'll tell phil they're hot to. I got the black jersey. Holla later. I'm going to follow you back on Twitter to pop. Love.
  • we need him out here we bringing van wyck back man lol
  • what lil pop i haven't seen ya bra up here yet
  • Tell ya brother to get on line so we can chat. And he should come down on Fridays dani stile zone from 5 to 11.
  • Yo what's good. I left those flyers at cozy rushing tell your mom my bad but I need more to tell dudes about it and get some donations for you. Holla. NOF.
  • i don't know you.........whats your name again?
  • peace pop whats going on young bro good to see you join the uba you got to come down one friday you and your brother and show the skills patience humbleness and disclipline "again again and again"
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