


Are you on a U.B.A. team, looking to join a team, or are you just visiting our website?

On a UBA team

If you are on a U.B.A. team please provide us with that team's name.

The Almighty Trash Talkers

Are you over the age of 18?


What is your current bowling average?


What is your highest game score?


Which Bowling Center do you consider to be your house?

Herrill Lanes

What kind of bowling balls do you prefer?

Hammer, Other

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  • Jeff!!!!   Need chipotle asap!!! 

  • im sorry ive been so busy man .. what about tbird ?

  • Thanks for coming out to support ' The Syndicate' at Carolier Lanes last week.

    Team Pres. Cassius 'Crash' Henderson

  • really trying to join a team, was playing on coming tho and find out how to get on a team

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